Essay Title: Rules, Tips, Mistakes to Avoid
Table of contents
- 1 What Makes a Good Title?
- 2.1 Use your essay to develop your topic
- 2.2 Identify keywords and take advantage of them
- 2.3 Use Multiple Titles
- 3.1 MLA Format
- 3.2 APA Format
- 3.3 Chicago Format
- 4 Things to Avoid When Writing a Title for an Essay
- 5 Take Your Paper Style Into Account
- 6 Types Of Papers and the Best Essay Title Examples Titles
- 7.1 1. Questions make Catchy Titles.
- 7.2 2. Describe the Paper in 5 Words.
- 7.3 3. Use a Hook in Your Title.
- 7.4 4. Give a Mental Visualization of Your Topic.
- 7.5 5. Choose Two Variants That Were Considered and Declined, Then Join Them Together.
- 8.1 Why is an essay title important?
- 8.2 Can a title be a question?
- 8.3 How long should essay titles be?
Good paper titles could differ depending on whether the audience views or ignores your essays. When chosen carefully, essay titles could well capture the attention of someone who would not typically read the topic. Learning the proper method for titling an article can create an attention-grabbing heading. A well-titled article will also tell readers what to expect. Knowing how to create a topic for an essay that commands the reader’s attention is important. That is why this piece is designed to help you learn how to title an essay.
What Makes a Good Title?
The importance of a great title cannot be overemphasized in the essay-writing process . And that is where you question yourself – what makes good essay headlines?
- A good title for an essay must be memorable. Learn how to title an essay by thinking up something that stands out as much as possible to capture the audience’s eyes and minds. Remember – your title is the first thing your reader sees.
- Your essay name must possess a near-perfect degree of accuracy. Titling an essay like a clickbait headline could have the viewer on strings at the beginning, but they may not be disposed towards reading it to the end. Use your writing skills to develop a good title that reflects your paper.
- A good essay title has to be written in a language the target audience would understand easily. You might want to keep the language of your essay headline simple, but it should reflect as much expertise as the target audience would reasonably expect.
- A catchy title for an essay must be easy to read. The main idea is that your title gives a brief insight into what the audience should expect. When learning how to title an essay, keep it concise and eye-catching, and ensure it is in active voice.
How to Title an Essay?
Good essay title examples are those that carry a clear message. An essay title must talk about what you want to achieve or state a fact you wish to stand upon. If you talk about Boston lettuce crops, it has to be a strong essay title that makes an argument. If your essay specifically explores perspective for something, mention an issue with an event or some logical connection. For example, if you talk about perspective in Hitchcock’s films, the examples should come first. Speaking of example essay titles think of this:
“The agricultural effect of Boston lettuce crops”
“Window perspective in Hitchcock’s use of light and camera angles”
“Environmental Factor Affects Specific Boston Lettuce Crops: pros and cons”
“The Ways Free Wi-Fi Can Be Dangerous”
Such an essay title concisely states the message and avoids negative language sounds with unnecessary bits!
Having understood the importance of creative essay titles, you also know what features they should contain. This is not an arbitrary undertaking. It is a multi-step ritual that helps you ensure you are on the right track to connect with your audience using a catchy essay title. Speaking of guidelines for essay titles, keep things interesting and creative as you think of an engaging title. You may use title examples like these:
“The controversy of blue light on Boston lettuce”
“Modern artists’ answers differ based on their honesty levels”
“Why does reading this blog regularly help maintain inner balance?”
As you can see, an effective title can be different, ranging from creative titles to potential titles that ask a question. The very art of essay titling must summarize what the post says and contain focus keywords. Pick at least three keywords to meet in your essay writing if you have a particular subject.
Use your essay to develop your topic
This may seem rather confusing, but it is a very efficient step to follow while developing great naming ideas. You should start writing your essay once you have identified a subject matter. When you finish writing your essay, you can use the write-up details to construct the most suitable title. It also gives you much more clarity on the subject matter and what the audience wants from it since you would have conducted more research on the issue. As such, your title can be more precise and connected to the paper.
Identify keywords and take advantage of them
Your essay’s title must scream “This is what you want” to the reader. No matter how fun and memorable it is, it might not be as successful if it does not capture what the audience wants. This is where keywords will work for you. They are terms that would let readers know that your essay is relevant to what is in question.
For instance, imagine trying to research articles on symptoms of pregnancy – but the name you see has nothing like “symptoms” or “pregnancy” in them. They might be catchy essay headers and even be related to the search, but they don’t exactly strike you like that is what you seek. You don’t need to stuff your title with key phrases. Just two or three core ones will do the trick.
Use Multiple Titles
Nobody said you have to use just one main topic. Segmenting your paper and sub-titling each makes your essay much more readable.
Essay Title Formats and Punctuations
It is perfectly fine if you would rather freestyle your essay heading. After all, a little creative license never hurts as long as you craft a good essay title. However, you might want to play it safer by defining parameters, especially if your essay is formal. In that case, you should opt for an essay title format. These are internationally recognized sets of prescribed guidelines for titling your papers. There are three main essay title styles – the MLA, the APA, and the Chicago.
MLA style rules emphasize that your essay topics should be centralized on the page. Perhaps the most important rule of this style is that the title must be written in “title case”. This means every word should begin using capital letters
prepositions, coordinating conjunctions, and “to” when it is alongside a verb in its infinitive form and articles. However, the first and last words must have capital letters, no matter what they are. This style also discourages italicizing, underlining, or placing the topics in quotation marks except for book titles.
For example:
Warning to the world in Lord of the Flies As you can see, the book’s title is in italics.
This formatting APA style is particular about the brevity of the title, stipulating a maximum of 12 words. It emphasizes a short and straight-to-the-point without abbreviations or redundancies. A title in this style aims to share as much information with the audience in as few words as possible. It does not encourage using figurative words because they are used in technical and professional writing. Thus, expect to see it deployed toward a research paper title and formal articles. It also supports centralizing the title toward the top of the page. For example:
Effects of Marine Pollution: A Study of Modern Maritime Practices
Chicago Format
Like the other two formats, this style is particular about having the title in the title case. However, it gives more leeway and license to the writer than the others. The Chicago essay title style prescribes no further guidelines beyond title casing. It can be placed as the main title with a subtitle as the next line. See this example:
The Character of a Man
The Style and Cultural Aspects in Robin Hood’s Legends
Things to Avoid When Writing a Title for an Essay
Developing interesting titles for essays can be a challenge for some. Tips include avoiding negativity and offensive or controversial terms and keeping it professional. Even the cover page could be done properly thanks to a writing service like the APA title page generator, which can also help you write a good title for an essay.
Making a good start means staying positive. Even when the essay topics are dreary, attempt to write less negatively. Good headlines for essays also use appropriate language to attract more possible readers to the paper. Lastly, its image should remain neutral – don’t overshare.
Take Your Paper Style Into Account
The style of your essay is essential to your topic. Identify and study what kind of essay it is, e.g., an argumentative essay or narrative essay, and ensure that the essay topic reflects it. Essays have tones depending on their kind, the audience, and the subject matter. For instance, academic writing would likely assume a formal tone. Having identified the tone of your essays, you should ensure your essay topics don’t go off-key. It should complement the essay’s tone to have the desired effect on the readers. Think about your essay style before you title an essay.
When creating an essay title, consider how it fits any of the styles above. This will help you formulate a question or argument.
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Types Of Papers and the Best Essay Title Examples Titles
Several situations could involve you writing an essay paper. Depending on the situation or the piece’s target, several papers also exist. These may include a narrative paper, expository essay, business paper, and thesis statement in academic writing, among others. You can use creative or otherwise funny titles unless they are not offensive. Some of the most creative essay title examples include:
Good Title for a Research Paper
- The Role of COVID-19 in the Growth of Digital Services
- Impacts of Climate Change on Developed Countries
- Why Is Power Chasing White Whales Not Ethical?
Effective Title for a Business Paper
- Why Franchising Is the Way for New Small Business Owners
- How Digital Services Can Influence the Global Supply Chain
- What Business Factor Affects Specific Crops in Agriculture
A Catchy Title Example for a College Essay
- The Golden Rule of Wholesome Studentship
- Finding Success in My Failures
- APA Format is Typically Challenging For Students?
Reflective Essay
- The Time I Met My Mentor
- My First Surgery
- Why Are the iPhone and iPad Keyboards Hard to Use?
Personal Statement
- My Nine Lives as an Immigrant Student
- The Three Horsemen of Ambition
- My Pursuit of Power Chasing in Education.
Literary Analysis
- The Use of Symbolism in The Pulley
- Thematic Preoccupations of Shakespeare’s Othello
- How to Avoid Potentially Offending a Reader?
Report Titles
- Earlier Vaccinations Would Not Have Subsided the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Students Want Mixed Dormitories in American Universities
- Scooping Ice Cream Taught Me About Healthcare Issues
Good Titles for Essays about Yourself
- Why I Am the Way I Am
- A Letter To the 7-Year-Old Me
Good Titles for Narrative Writing
- The Day the World Stood Still
- My Perfect Birthday Party
MLA Essay Title Format
- The Old Man and the Sea: A Critical Analysis of Ernest Hemingway
- Why You Can Do What You Do Without Knowing Who You Are
Argumentative Essay
- Are Electric Cars the Solution To Carbon Emissions?
- Should Reparations Be Paid To Marginalized Groups?
Compare and Contrast Essay
- Left Wing Versus Right Wing: What Ideologies Do We Need?
- Good Versus Bad: The Constant Clashes of Morality
Persuasive Essay
- Why Dogs Make Better Pets Compared to Cats
- Digital Banking: The Peak of Fintech
Scholarship Essay Titles Examples
- What Can You Contribute to the Student Community?
- Narrate a Defining Experience in Your Life
Nursing Essay
- COVID-19 and the Growing Demand for Nursing Staff
- Prioritizing Ethical Education in the Nursing Profession
- Test Scores Three Stats in ER Evaluation
Good Example APA Title Essay
- The Government’s Role in Poverty Alleviation
- Myths and Facts about Tuberculosis
- Why Looking Through the Rear Car Window Helps You Stay Safe.
Looking for specific tips you know well? Remember that an essay’s title must not contain unnecessary words. When using MLA format, you also have a header showing your course. It means that academic papers already show where you are coming from. Since every format requires that essay titles appear on the front or a title page, it grabs the reader’s attention.
A good essay title tells readers about what’s going to be next. If you want to discuss the dangers of free wi-fi access, make it a thesis statement. For example: “Making wi-fi access free provides access to malicious activities”. Likewise, “Growing Boston lettuce crops has been affected by the heavy rains” is not a good essay title when stated alone. A much better essay title would be “Effects of blue light on Boston Lettuce crops helped to avoid damage”. It still contains the main idea.
5 Ways to Create an Exceptional Essay Title
There are numerous ways in which a writer can craft a quality gaming experience. Unless you use a title generator for an essay , titling an essay is as simple or as hard as the writer makes it. It is often necessary to edit the essay online multiple times. Finding their style depends on the type of essay and the purpose of the writing. Speaking of tips and examples, our experts believe in the following methods:
1. Questions make Catchy Titles.
Interesting headings for essays can be created by using a cause-and-effect approach. Start considering a common problem and think about what question that paper answers. Look at the example of your writing so you can compose a title out of it.
2. Describe the Paper in 5 Words.
If you sum up the paper in 5 words, what words would be chosen? If you blog regularly, you’ll notice how clarity always helps. Not only does this unique creation bring some fun to the process, but it can also birth a catchy phrase – which translates to a highly effective best essay title. An applicable catchy phrase can be helpful as well.
3. Use a Hook in Your Title.
Sometimes, the best essay title ideas are simpler than we think. For some essay topics, a good hook could be all you need. Though it might not be easy to develop one, it may give your research paper an edge. Remember that it can be a phrase, figurative language, punny, or otherwise funny.
4. Give a Mental Visualization of Your Topic.
This works wonders when the topic you write about is art-oriented. It provides a rear window perspective like clear keywords, blue light, or “every principle word” words. When you remain creative, your essay-writing process improves as well.
5. Choose Two Variants That Were Considered and Declined, Then Join Them Together.
When two separate entities do not work out, it does not mean that those phrases can’t work together for your new paper. So keep that list of paper titles and write papers with confidence!
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Best Tips on How to Title an Essay
How to Make a Good Title for an Essay
The success of an essay heavily depends on its title. This may not come as a surprise given that the essay title is the first aspect to provide the reader with a sneak peek into the text. It piques our interest to read the paper in the first place and gives us a preview of what to expect from the author.
Our research paper writing help prepared a thorough guide on how to title an essay. Here you may find tips and tricks for developing an effective APA or MLA essay title. So, let's dive straight into the article for more exciting details!
Essay Title Format
During your essay writing process, ensure you know the stylistic requirements before beginning an essay. Knowing the format you need to employ is crucial because different style manuals may have varying requirements. Mostly, you could have used an APA or MLA essay title format. Our service, where you can buy essay online , explains these two in more detail below.
Essay Title MLA
If you're required to create an essay title MLA format, check whether your instructor wants you to make a separate cover page. If not, put a heading at the beginning of your work that includes your name, the name of your professor, the course ID, and, lastly, the date.
On the other hand, if you must present a cover page for your essay title MLA, then you need to include the following:
- The name of the college
- The title of your paper
- The subtitle of your paper, if applicable
- Your first and last name
- Your teacher or professor's name
- The class name or course number
- The date the paper is due
The formatting instructions are as follows:
- Double-spaced
- Times New Roman font
- Size 12 font
- Apart from very short terms, each word's initial letter should be capitalized. The initial word, however, must always be uppercase.
- The title page shouldn't include a header with the page numbers.
Essay Title APA
Having discussed the MLA format essay title, let's explore what the APA student title page includes:
- The paper title
- Author names
- Institutional affiliation where the author carried out the study
- Name and number of the course
- Professor name
- Page number
The title of an essay format instructions:
- double-spaced
- 1" margins
- 12-point Times New Roman
- According to APA, your title should be targeted and brief, without unnecessary words or abbreviations
How to Choose a Good Title for an Essay: Important Qualities
Nobody will read a dull headline. Your title should grab your audience's attention and encourage them to read the rest of the work. As it is one of the initial things readers see, having a strong attention grabber is essential when writing an essay from scratch. To fully understand how to come up with a title for essay that is strong and exciting, let's consider a few following factors:
Employ a Catchy Hook - Usually, the title of essay format follows a similar basic structure, especially if they are used for an academic article. The hook serves as a unique component that attracts the reader. It's a captivating statement informing others about the topic of the essay. You can also explore several types of sentences with examples that can help you develop the ideal hook structure.
Consider Topic Keywords - These are essential terms or expressions pertinent to your subject and help your reader understand the focus and body of your article. These focus keywords should serve as a brief, one- to two-word article summary. You can choose some terms from the research topic your instructor gave you, but after your thesis statement is formed, this is where you should hunt for ideas.
Use a Colon - A colon is frequently used in academic titles to separate concepts and sentences. The standard procedure is to place a clever remark or brief quotation before the colon. Although these beginning words offer flavor, they can be overdone. Because of this, some individuals find using the colon to be repugnant. Therefore be careful not to misuse this method.
Ask a Question - To write essay title that is strong, consider asking a question. But, use it with caution because posing a question will make your tone less formal. As long as the question is suitably phrased to meet the subject of your essay, feel free to employ it. Always check to see if the title question still applies to your points in the essay's body. The thesis statement should be appropriately reflected as well.
Find Inspirational Quotes - There is no formula for selecting essay titles from the textual content. You may get playful and choose any quotation, proverb, or catchphrase that applies to your particular publication and works as a title. You may also create a great essay title using well-known expressions or idioms. Doing so will help your readers relate to and feel more comfortable discussing your subject.
Here are other rules for how to create a good title:
- Title every section of writing: In the process of writing, create interesting subheadings to give your paragraphs an identity. Also, they make your text look ordered and clear.
- The title must bear the theme of the text: choose a title that summarizes the essay.
- Capitalize all words with certain exceptions: Capitalize the first letter of every word in the title, but do not capitalize pronouns, articles, prepositions, and conjunctions.
- Avoid underlining the title: Since topics come in boldface, underlining it will amount to overemphasis. Some authorities say that if you must underline it, do not bolden it.
- Review the final version of the title: Do not forget to do a quick review of the final version of the title—check for grammar, structure, spelling and so on. Re-read it to determine if the title has given justice to the essay. Confirm if the topic is catchy enough to attract your reader’s attention.
- When using a colon in your title, follow the rules: Since we are dealing with punctuation rules here, let us talk about the colon – when you have two eye-catching topics, separate them with a colon.
Student’s Guide on How to Come Up with a Title for an Essay
Titling an essay can be easy, but there are a few core principles to be taken into account. The following tips will help you stay on track and avoid any common pitfalls.
Essay Goes First
Never start with a title! If you write it before the rest of the text, it will be based on it, and it should be vice versa. Writing an essay before choosing a heading will give you a clear understanding of what should make sense to the reader. Re-read the finished paper several times to decide on the title. The last thing to create is a title - such strategy will give more time to spend on crafting an essay outline, conducting research, or writing the paper itself.
What are you writing about? What is the style of your paper, and is it an academic essay or a free-form essay like a narrative essay? If the topic of your essay is “Do people who commit heinous crimes deserve the death penalty?” your title should not be humorous; it should be strict and to the point.
If your topic is “Why do people like watching funny cat videos?”, feel free to craft a funny title. Determine the tone of your essay and base your title on it—in consideration with the essay’s topic.
The tone can be:
- Serious - “The implications of global warming”
- Funny - “How cats and dogs love their masters”
- Amiable - “Ways to fight depression”
- Persuasive - “Why positive thinking is a must have skill for every person”
- Informative - “Ten rules for creating a chemical at home”
The main goal of a title is to name its paper. There is no need to tell an entire story in the title, or provide any useless details. Sum up your paper in a few words! Another way to do this is to sum up your thesis statement, as it represents the main idea of your essay. Take your thesis and squeeze it into 3-4 words. Imagine that you are creating a title for your favourite newspaper or a slogan for Coca-Cola.
Don’t use fancy words! Take 2-3 main words (keywords), put them together, and stop wasting your time. Avoid jargon and abbreviations.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is something that can help any student and young writer reap benefits. While working on a title, detect the words related to the central idea of the paper. Type the words into the search field of Google and add the word “quote.” A search engine will show numerous web pages with in-text quotations that could be useful. Select the fragment you like. It is possible to learn how to make a creative title for an essay in this way.
Discover several more tips from experts:
- Never forget the “What,” “Who,” “When,” “How,” “Why,” and “Where” questions (if you start with one of these questions, your title has a chance of getting noticed);
- Come up with an unexpected image not related to the selected topic;
- Sometimes, starting with a lie increases the chances of a title being able to catch an eye;
- Review our catchy essay title examples.
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Feel free to contact EssayPro and we will provide you with a writing help at a moment’s notice. With the years of essay writing experience, titling becomes second nature, so you no longer need to worry about having a catchy headline on your paper.
Essay Title Examples: Bad vs Good
The strongest essay titles condense lengthy essays into concise statements. When wondering how to make an essay title, think carefully about your stylistic choices and essay format to produce an excellent one. Our dissertation help has provided essay title examples to let you understand the difference between good and bad ones more vividly.
Bad Essay Title Examples
As we discussed how to create an essay title and the specific elements that go into it, you should have a clear idea of how important it is to craft a strong title. In contrast, first, look at weak essay title ideas that can break your paper. This should serve as an example of why your heading should not be like this:
Ex 1: ' How Television Has Changed Our World ' - too vast and not informative
Ex 2: 'The Ara Pacis Augustae' - unclear for those who don't know Latin
Ex 3: 'The Most Poisonous Frog' - does not provide any insight
Ex 4: 'A Brief History of Subcultures and How They Manifest Themselves in a Constantly Changing Socio-Economic Environment' - too long and complicated
Ex 5: 'The Little Mermaid 29 Years Later: Selling a Harmful Sexist Message Through a Naughty Image' - inappropriate language
Good Essay Title Examples
Now that you know what a bad essay title looks like, let's explore good essay title examples as their substitutes. Examine the following essay title format styles that will give you a clear understanding.
Ex 1: ' The Electronic Babysitter: A Social History of Uses of the Television' - gives an exact description of what the essay will be about
Ex 2: ' The Modern Historical Significance of the Ara Pacis Augustae to the City of Rome' - here, the reader can understand what they will be reading about
Ex 3: ' A Deadly Beauty: The Evolution of Skin Coloration and Toxicity of the Poisonous Dart Frog' - clear, informative, and on-point.
Ex 4: 'Reconsidering Counterculture in Contemporary Society' - informative enough and brief
Ex 5: 'The Projection of Gender Stereotypes in The Little Mermaid' - employs appropriate language
Catchy Essay Title Ideas
You now understand that long, complicated headlines do not accurately convey the paper's main idea. Take ample time to consider the word choice before tilting your work. How do you create good essay titles? Think creatively and with common sense. But meanwhile, for your convenience, we compiled title ideas for essays you may use as inspiration.
Persuasive Essay Titles
- Why Receiving College Education is Important: Examining Long-term Benefits
- Face-to-Face Courses Cannot Be Replaced by Online Learning
- An MBA Does Not Ensure Corporate Success.
- Every Company Should Adopt a Green Strategy.
- Energy Drinks Represent a Lucrative Market Segment.
- Aircraft, Excess Weight Charges, Need to be Prohibited.
- Patients' Life Shouldn't be Put to Death by Nurses.
- Google Glasses May Increase the Number of Auto Accidents.
- All of the Conventional Malls Will Soon be Replaced By Online Shopping
- How Do Team-building Exercises Contribute to the Development of Inventions?
- Illegal immigrants are entitled to remain in the US.
Academic Essay Titles
- Several English Dialects: The Link Between Various Cultures
- Instagram: A social media innovation
- Is it possible to reverse drug-induced brain damage, and if so, how?
- What the Future Holds for Humans in the Light of Artificial Intelligence
- The Story of Two Nations after Decades of Conflict: North and South Korea
- Video Games and Their Learning Context in Schools
- Free Wi-Fi: Strategies for Enhancing the City's Economy
Strong Research Paper Titles
- Digital World Cybersecurity
- E-business to Provide New Paths for Booksellers
- Outsourcing for Large Businesses
- Preparing for College Costs for High School Students
- What News Reporters Should Do in the Digital Age and How to Do It: Examples
- The Transformative Power of Music: How Heavy Metal Impacted My Life
Best Essay Titles for College Students
- The Possible Benefits and Risks of Artificial Intelligence for Humans
- The Potential for Time Travel in Virtual Reality
- What Role Has Mathematics Played in Human History?
- How to Succeed in the Real Estate Industry
- E-Commerce: An Empire of Virtual Businesses Worth Millions of Dollars
- How to Achieve Financial Independence in the Digital Age Without Opening a Real Business
More Creative Titles for Essays
- When getting rewarded for their grades, would kids do better left alone?
- How Does Fake News Impact the Mainstream press?
- Homelessness in Contemporary Society: A Dilemma
- What News Reporters' Best Job Is in the Digital Age and How to Uphold It
- Elon Musk: Brilliant Mind or Insane Person?
- Positives and Negatives of Employing a Smoker
- Do We Employ the Appropriate Student Success Metrics?
Professional Academic Help
Now that you know how to make a good title for an essay, you should also understand that you should approach the task as a process. While composing your essay title, you must condense your whole thesis and point of discussion into a single, concise, yet powerful sentence. If you have time before your deadline, give it some thought and don't hurry.
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How To Title An Essay?
How to title an essay in mla format, what are some good titles for an essay.
Daniel Parker
is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.
is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.
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How To Write An Essay
How To Title An Essay
Last updated on: Dec 14, 2024
How to Title an Essay, With Tips and Examples
By: Nova A.
16 min read
Reviewed By: Rylee W.
Published on: Nov 12, 2024
Choosing the right title for your essay is more important than you might think. It’s the first thing readers see, and a great title can make your essay stand out right away.
Whether you’re writing an essay for school, applying for a scholarship, or crafting a personal essay, the right title sets the tone for what’s to come.
In this blog, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about essay titles, from examples and tips to formatting guidelines. By the end, you’ll have a solid grasp of how to create a compelling title that captures your essay’s essence.
Let’s dive in!
On this Page
What is an Essay Title?
An essay title is a brief, clear summary of your essay’s topic. It gives readers a quick glimpse of what to expect and helps them decide whether the content is relevant or interesting to them. But an essay title isn’t just about giving a hint—it also plays a key role in setting the tone for your entire essay.
Importance of a Good Essay Title
Why is a good essay title so important? There are a few reasons such as:
- First impressions matter: The title is the first thing readers see.
- Captures attention: A carefully planned title sparks curiosity.
- Sets the tone: It helps set the mood or style of your essay.
- Guides readers: It provides insight into your main theme or argument.
Getting the title right can elevate your entire essay!
Note: People often confuse essay titles with essay topics , but they’re quite different. The topic is the general idea, like “urban legends,” while the title is a unique and engaging spin, such as “Unmasking Urban Legends: Fact or Fear?” The topic sets the direction, and the title makes it stand out.
How to Title an Essay in 5 Steps
With careful planning, you can create a title that grabs your reader's attention and makes them eager to read your essay. Follow these simple steps to put together a title that’s clear, engaging, and relevant to your essay.
Step 1: Understand the Purpose of Your Essay
Begin by understanding what your essay is about and its purpose. Is it analytical, persuasive, or descriptive? The type of essay will influence the tone of your title.
For example, if you’re writing an essay on climate change , your title should reflect its focus.
Example ( Idea ): "Climate Change Effects"
Step 2: Brainstorm Keywords and Themes
Pick out the core themes and keywords that reflect your essay’s message. Keywords like “climate change,” “global warming,” and “environmental impact” will help narrow the title’s focus. Write them down and keep them in mind as you develop your title.
Example: "Effects of Climate Change on Global Weather, Environment, and Society"
Step 3: Make a Rough Statement
Now, try to create a rough statement that combines your ideas into one longer title. Don’t worry if it’s too wordy—this step is about gathering all your key thoughts into one sentence. You’ll refine it later.
Example: "The Effects of Climate Change on Global Weather Patterns, Environmental Stability, and its Impact on Society"
Step 4: Refine the Title for Clarity and Conciseness
Take your rough statement and simplify it. Remove extra words and ensure the title is clear and concise. The goal here is to keep the essence while making it more readable and direct.
Example (Refined): "How Climate Change Affects Global Weather and Society"
Step 5: Make the Final Adjustments
In the final step, tweak the title to make sure it’s engaging and appropriate for your essay. Review the tone, check for keywords, and make sure it fully represents your essay’s content. If needed, add a creative touch to grab attention, but keep it formal if the essay is academic.
Final Example : "Changing Skies: How Climate Change Is Shaping Global Weather and Society"
Formatting Guidelines for Essay Titles in Different Styles
When it comes to writing essays, formatting your title correctly is important. Different academic styles have specific rules for how titles should look.
Let’s break down the guidelines for MLA, APA, and Chicago formats.
Guidelines for Essay Titles in MLA Format
In MLA (Modern Language Association) format, titles should be in title case . This means that you capitalize the first letter of the major words in your title. Here are some key rules:
- Capitalize: All major words, including nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
- Lowercase: Short words, such as articles (a, an, the), conjunctions (and, but, or), and prepositions (in, of, to) unless they start the title.
Example: How Climate Change Affects Weather Patterns and Society
Rules for Essay Titles in APA Format
In APA (American Psychological Association) format, titles are also written in title case but have some unique rules:
- Capitalize: The first word of the title, the first word after a colon (if any), and all major words.
- Avoid Abbreviations: Do not use abbreviations unless they are commonly recognized.
- Be Succinct: Titles should be clear and to the point.
Example: The Impact of Climate Change on Global Weather Patterns
Essay Titles Format in Chicago Manual of Style
The Chicago Manual of Style has flexible guidelines for titles but generally follows the title case rule as well:
- Capitalize: All significant words, similar to MLA and APA.
- Flexible Guidelines: You can choose whether to capitalize certain words based on your preference, but consistency is key.
Example: Climate Change and Its Effects on Global Weather and Society
Here’s a handy comparison table summarizing the formatting rules for MLA, APA, and Chicago styles:
Essay Title Examples for Different Essay Types
Here are some short essay title examples categorized by different types of essay to inspire you!
Personal Essays
Personal or reflective essays allow you to share your experiences and reflections. A good title can reflect your journey and insight.
- “How Moving to Three Cities in One Year Shaped My Career Choices.”
- “The Day I Learned to Appreciate Failure.”
- “What Losing a Close Friend Taught Me About Life and Gratitude.”
- “From Small-Town Dreams to Big-City Realities: My Journey of Self-Discovery.”
- “The Unexpected Lessons from My First Solo Backpacking Trip.”These titles indicate a personal journey and hint at valuable lessons learned, making them relatable and engaging.
Analytical Essays
Analytical essays break down complex topics to provide a deeper understanding. Your title should convey the focus of your analysis.
- “The Hidden Meaning Behind Minimalist Art: A Modern Analysis.”
- “Decoding the Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life.”
- “Shakespeare’s Tragic Heroes: A Study in Flawed Ambition.”
- “How Social Media Algorithms Shape Modern Society's Perspectives.”
- “The Evolution of Gothic Literature: From Mary Shelley to Stephen King.”
The above titles clearly state what the essays will explore and suggest a fascinating angle on a popular subject.
Argumentative Essays
In argumentative essays , you present your viewpoint on a debatable topic. A strong title should clearly communicate your position.
- “Why Recycling Programs Alone Won’t Solve the Waste Crisis.”
- “Should College Be Free? Examining the Economic Implications.”
- “Why Universal Basic Income Could Be the Future of Work.”
- “The Case Against Standardized Testing in Public Schools.”
- “Why Renewable Energy Needs to Be Subsidized More Aggressively.”
These titles present specific arguments and invite readers to consider different perspectives on important issues.
Persuasive Essays
Persuasive essays aim to convince readers of your viewpoint. A compelling title can make your argument more appealing.
- “5 Reasons Free Public Wi-Fi Is a Public Necessity.”
- “Why Reading Fiction Can Make You a Better Leader.”
- “Why the Voting Age Should Be Lowered to 16.”
- “10 Reasons Organic Food Is Worth the Investment.”
- “Why Companies Should Transition to a 4-Day Workweek.”
These straightforward titles promise clear, actionable reasons, making them engaging for readers interested in the topics.
Compare-and-Contrast Essays
Compare-and-contrast essays examine similarities and differences between two subjects. The title should reflect the focus of the comparison.
- “Public vs. Private School Education: Outcomes for STEM Students.”
- “Traditional Banking vs. Cryptocurrency: Which Is the Future of Finance?”
- “Working Remotely vs. On-Site: The Pros and Cons of Both Models.”
- “E-Books vs. Printed Books: What’s Best for Modern Readers?”
- “Suburban Living vs. Urban Living: Which Offers a Better Quality of Life?”
These titles indicate the subjects being compared and the specific contexts, making it clear what the essays will discuss.
Scholarship Essays
So, how to title an essay for a scholarship? When titling a scholarship essay, keep these tips in mind:
- Reflect on the Theme : Make sure your title clearly represents your essay's main message.
- Be Personal : Engage the reader with a genuine, personal title.
- Keep It Concise : Aim for a short, impactful title.
- Avoid Clichés : Stay away from overused phrases.
- Use a Subtitle (if needed) : A subtitle can add context.
- “Breaking Barriers: My Path to Educational Empowerment”
- “From Dreams to Reality: Pursuing a Career in Environmental Science.”
- “Overcoming Adversity: How I Turned Challenges into Opportunities.”
- “Empowering My Community Through Education and Leadership.”
- “The Role of Passion and Perseverance in Shaping My Academic Goals.”
The sample titles above are personal and meaningful, giving a clear idea of the writer’s journey, goals, and unique perspective.
A List of Top 20 Essay Titles For You
Here’s a list of 10 different types of English essay titles for students:
- Overcoming Challenges: My Journey Through College
- Should School Uniforms Be Mandatory in Public Schools?
- The Symbolism of Fire in Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
- Why Social Media Should Be Limited for Teenagers
- Online Learning vs. Traditional Classroom Education: Pros and Cons
- The Day I Conquered My Fear of Heights
- A Walk Through Central Park on a Rainy Afternoon
- The Science Behind Climate Change: What the Data Tells Us
- What Volunteering Taught Me About Community and Leadership
- The Impact of Technology on Human Interaction and Communication
- How Reading Fiction Helped Me Build Empathy and Perspective
- Should College Athletes Be Paid? A Debate on Fairness and Opportunity
- Exploring the Role of Women in Shakespeare’s Macbeth
- Why Mental Health Education Should Be Part of the School Curriculum
- A Day in the Life of a Rescue Shelter Volunteer
- Renewable Energy vs. Fossil Fuels: Which Is the Better Choice for Our Future?
- The Evolution of Music Genres: From Jazz to Hip-Hop
- My First Solo Travel Experience and How It Changed Me
- The Effects of Fast Fashion on the Environment and Society
- The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Shaping the Future of Work
Good vs. Bad Essay Titles
Let's take a look at some examples of effective (and not-so-effective) titles and explore what sets them apart.
The difference is clear: a great essay title is specific, interesting, and gives a preview of the essay's main focus. Bad titles, on the other hand, are vague and lack detail, leaving readers guessing about the essay’s content.
Tips for Crafting a Strong Essay Title
Creating a title that captures your readers' attention is essential. Here are some quick tips to help you create the perfect essay title:
- Read Your Essay Review your essay to identify its main ideas and themes, ensuring your title reflects its core message.
- Identify Your Thesis Statement Make sure your title relates to your thesis statement to clearly convey your main argument.
- Reflect the Tone of Your Essay Match your title's tone to your essay's style. A serious piece requires a more formal title, while a personal essay can be more casual.
- Avoid Negativity Focus on positive language. Instead of “Problems with Education,” try “Innovative Solutions for Education.”
- Keep it Concise Aim for a clear, brief title that conveys your topic without unnecessary jargon.
- Highlight Important Qualities Use impactful adjectives like “essential” or “transformative” to make your title stand out.
To sum it up, we’ve explored the importance of crafting a strong essay title, the steps to create one, and the formatting guidelines for different styles.
Remember, a good title not only reflects your essay’s content but also grabs the reader's attention. If you're ever feeling stuck or pressed for time, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional help.
At, our dedicated team is here to assist you with all your writing needs, 24/7. Whether you need help brainstorming title ideas or crafting the perfect essay, we’re just a click away. Our experienced writers are committed to providing you with high-quality support tailored to your specific requirements.
Let our paper writing service help you succeed and make your writing process as smooth as possible!
Frequently Asked Questions
How to write a title of a book in an essay.
When writing the title of a book in an essay, follow these guidelines based on the citation style you're using:
- Italicize the Title: In most styles (MLA, APA, and Chicago), the title of a book should be italicized. For example: To Kill a Mockingbird .
- Capitalize Important Words: Capitalize the first and last word of the title, as well as all principal words (nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs). Prepositions and articles (like "the," "in," "of") should be lowercase unless they’re the first word.
- No Quotation Marks: Unlike short works like poems or articles, book titles are not placed in quotation marks—always italicize them.
How To Title An Essay About Yourself?
To title an essay about yourself, focus on a key aspect of your story or personality. Make it personal, intriguing, and reflective. For example, titles like "Finding My Voice" or "The Journey That Shaped Me" are engaging and relevant. Keep it concise, authentic, and aligned with the theme of your essay.
Marketing, Literature
Nova Allison is a Digital Content Strategist with over eight years of experience. Nova has also worked as a technical and scientific writer. She is majorly involved in developing and reviewing online content plans that engage and resonate with audiences. Nova has a passion for writing that engages and informs her readers.
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How To Write An Essay
How To Title An Essay
Learn How to Title an Essay Like a Professional Writer
16 min read
Published on: Mar 1, 2023
Last updated on: Dec 14, 2024
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A title is the one thing that draws attention and makes your essay and all academic papers impressive. This is because it is the first thing a reader looks at and decides whether to give your essay a shot or not.
Naturally, things with amusing and interesting titles tend to be more read-worthy. The right and accurate title can either make your essay a success or a complete disaster.
It might sound easy to give a title to your essay, but it can be complicated in reality. Creating a title is an art, and not everybody knows how to do it.
This writing guide provides easy steps to give your essay the perfect title. We’ll learn how important it is to give a correct title to your writing and polish your writing skills.
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Qualities an Essay Title Should Have
A title holds great importance in essay writing . It can easily make or break the quality of your work. When coming up with the topic or title for your essays, keep in mind that it should contain the following qualities:
- Eye-catching and unique: The title should be eye-catching and unique to grab the reader’s attention.
- Based on facts: A good title is always believable and based on facts. Especially different types of essays and papers that stand on facts and logic, should have believable titles.
- Audience-appropriate: Readability is key. Using fancy and bombastic vocabulary that is not common for the audience will affect the readership.
- Tone: An engaging title is always written in the active voice.
- Brief and Short: The title should be brief and to the point. Avoid dragging titles into long sentences.
- To-the-Point: An essay title should be accurate and clearly present the main theme of the essay. This will allow the reader to know what to expect from the document.
Components of an Essay Title
Just as all formal writings have an outline to follow, a good essay title is constructed using a formula as well. Keep in mind that the shorter, the better. A title must not exceed 10 to 12 words . The components of an essay title include:
- A catchy and interesting hook
- Tone sets the overall mood or attitude conveyed by the title.
- The focus keywords - “where” and “when” in your essay.
Once you know the importance and elements of an essay title, you are more likely to create a better title.
How to Title an Essay in 7 Easy Steps
A good and effective essay title can be created by taking the following steps:
Step 1. Write the Essay First
It will be extremely beneficial and easy to create a title once you have written an entire essay. After writing your essay, you will be clear about what title suits your content the most. Complete your essay and then start reading it.
This will give you a clearer picture of how to amuse and attract readers with the title.
Deciding on a topic or a title can be time-consuming. Another advantage of writing a title at the end is that it saves a lot of your time. Also, the wrong topic makes it difficult for you to choose the best essay title.
Step 2. Use your Thesis Statement
There is another reason that you should leave your title for the end. An effective title provides a reason for the readers to read your essay. The best place to find that reason is by looking at your thesis statement in the essay introduction .
You can always get a title from a thesis statement or by using a part of that argument in the title.
Step 3. Add Popular Phrases
Catchphrases and cliches that go with the theme of your essay can be used as the titles as well. When popular phrases are appropriate and interesting, they make effective puns.
Play with the cliches and twist them to create something of your own. Be creative and innovative for your titles as much as you can. Make sure your word choices align with the topic of your essay.
Step 4. Consider the Tone
Another trick to writing a good title for your essay is to consider the essay’s tone and come up with something related to it.
If the tone and subject of your essay are serious and sad, never make the mistake of addressing your title in an informal and fun way. Remember that a good title avoids negative language.
Do not try to go off the wall in such cases. The tone of your essay and the title have a strong connection to a good essay.
Step 5. Use a Central Idea or a Quote
It is not mandatory, but an easy way to create a title that uses a central idea. You can use a quote as the title of your essay topic.
If the purpose is served correctly, even song lyrics work the best sometimes.
Step 6. Use a Concise Summary of Your Essay
A simple and effective way to create a title is by summarizing your essay in just a few words. Try to capture the main idea or thesis statement of your essay in three concise words.
You can then format it as a headline, followed by a colon and a brief description of the essay’s purpose. This approach helps create a direct and clear title.
Step 7. Incorporate a Movie Title
Sometimes, using a movie title can add a creative twist to your essay title. If it fits the theme, you can reference a movie title by capitalizing the first letter and italicizing it.
Alternatively, you can structure your title around a movie quote or title, making sure it aligns with your essay’s topic. Just be sure the reference is relevant and appropriate for the subject of your essay.
How to Title an Essay in Different Formats?
All academic essays require a format through which the writer shapes his document. This format varies from academic level to level and institution as well.
MLA, APA, and Chicago are the most commonly used formats . Let's take a look at how to title your essay using each of these formats.
How to Title an Essay in MLA Format?
For an MLA style , format your essay title in the following pattern:
- On the cover page of your essay, using double spacing, write your name in the upper left corner
- Along with your name, present your instructor’s name, the course title, and the date.
- Double-space a line and using centered alignment, provide the essay title in font size 12 pt.
- Do not bold or italicize the title.
- Capitalize important words only, and not the articles in the title.
Sample Title:
"The Role of Public Libraries in Digital Literacy"
How to Format an Essay in APA Format?
Simply use the following guidelines to format your title in APA style :
- Type the title in upper and lowercase letters
- Use centered alignment on the upper half of the page and write the title
- The title in APA style should not exceed more than 12 words
- Avoid using abbreviations and irrelevant words
- The title should be presented in a line or two and not more than that
- Use double spacing between the lines
- Beneath the title, write your name and the institutional affiliation.
Sample title:
"How Job Rotation Can Improve Employee Satisfaction and Productivity"
How to Title an Essay Chicago Style
To create an appropriate final version of the title for your essay in Chicago style, you should follow the guidelines provided below:
- Use a heading level 2 (H2) for your title
- Center the title on the page and use title case capitalization
- Keep the title informative and concise, aiming for no more than 12-15 words
- Consider including relevant keywords to make your essay easier to find
- Avoid using slang or informal language in your title
- Use proper grammar and punctuation.
"The Shift Towards Remote Work: Benefits and Challenges"
Essay Title Examples
Just like the tone of every essay differs, the title also differs from each type of essay. Here are some examples of titles for different types of essays.
Here are some more examples of essay titles.
Tips to Draft an Essay Title
Titles for Different Types of Essay
How To Title An Essay About A Book
Bad vs Good Essay Title Examples
Check out these examples of bad essay titles vs. good ones :
Tips for Crafting an Outstanding Title
Consider these practical tips to create an outstanding title for your essay:
- Brainstorm: Begin by brainstorming a list of potential titles for your essay or paper. Write down as many ideas as you can think of, even if they seem silly or irrelevant at first.
- Be Specific: The perfect essay title concisely states what the essay is about. Avoid vague or general titles that don't provide any useful information.
- Use Keywords: Including keywords in your title can make it easier for readers to find your work in searches. Consider what words or phrases a person might use to search for your topic and incorporate them into your title.
- Be Creative: A creative and unique title can make your work stand out from others. Consider using wordplay, puns, alliteration, or metaphors to create a memorable and attention-grabbing title.
- Keep It Short and Sweet: While a title should be specific and informative, it should also be concise. Try to keep your title under 10-12 words, as longer titles can be difficult to read and remember.
For more tips, you can check out this video.
In Summary,
The success of your essay depends not just on the content, but also on a strong title. A good title grabs attention and sets the tone for your essay.
While creating the perfect title can be tricky, following these simple tips can help you craft one that’s effective. Just like icing on a cake, a creative title makes your essay stand out.
Remember, a well-chosen title can make a big difference in how your essay is received, so take the time to get it right!
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Frequently Asked Questions
Is it better to use a question or a statement as my essay title.
Whether to use a question or a statement as your essay title depends on the content and purpose of your essay.
Using a question can be effective if your essay is exploratory and seeks to answer a specific question. On the other hand, using a statement can be more appropriate if your essay has a clear argument or thesis statement.
Can I use humor in my essay title?
Humor can work if it suits the tone and subject of your essay. However, be mindful not to undermine the seriousness of your topic with an inappropriate title.
When should I come up with a title for my essay?
It’s best to write the essay first and come up with the title afterward. This way, you’ll have a clearer understanding of the main ideas and can create a more fitting title.
Barbara P (Literature, Marketing)
Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.
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How to Write a Strong Title for an Argumentative Essay
Last Updated: June 4, 2023 Fact Checked
This article was co-authored by Diane Stubbs . Diane Stubbs is a Secondary English Teacher with over 22 years of experience teaching all high school grade levels and AP courses. She specializes in secondary education, classroom management, and educational technology. Diane earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Delaware and a Master of Education from Wesley College. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 172,091 times.
In most cases, a title for an essay is only required for college papers. A title for an argumentative essay isn't much different than a title for any other essay. You need to present what your essay is about in phrase form, as well as provide a hook to encourage the reader to read your essay. One main difference is you also need to make sure you establish your stance on the subject, so the reader knows where your argument is headed from the beginning. In order to create a strong title, you should write your essay before coming up with a title for it.
Summarizing Your Ideas
- Also, read through your paper. Start making notes on the main ideas. If you organized your paper well, you should have the paper divided into several main ideas.
- Write down any ideas you have about what you think should go in your title.
- In most cases, your thesis, or a version of it, is the best summary for the essay. The thesis should be stated at the end of your introduction, and perhaps restated at the beginning of your conclusion as well.
- Try to get it down to one sentence if possible, such as, "Soup is significantly more flavorful when made with stock than when made with water."
- For instance, if you wrote a paper on why soup is better when made with stock than water, think about what words are essential to that paper.
- Your list of keywords might include "soup," "stock," and "flavor," as an example.
Creating a Title
- Also, think about the tone of your essay. If it's lighthearted, a lighthearted title will fit. For instance, an essay on stock and chicken soup lends itself to lightheartedness.
- However, if your essay is very serious, stick to a serious title. For instance, if you're trying to convince people that poverty needs to end, that's a pretty serious topic and needs a serious title.
- Read over your paper. You can use this opportunity to proofread while you look for a good sentence.
- Write out any sentence that may work. For instance, one sentence that might work is "Soup is delicious, but it is even more delicious when made with stock."
- Shorten it up to work as a title: "Soup Is More Flavorful With Stock."
- For instance, you could write, "Why Does Stock Make Soup So Flavorful?" That establishes your topic, as well as invites your reader into your paper.
- Just be sure you are answering the question you propose.
- Choose a different question than the one you used for your hook, if applicable.
- Come up with something that is contrasting or surprising. A concrete image works well, meaning something that invokes the senses. For instance, you could write something like "The Flavor of Boiled Chicken Bones Is the Best for Soup."
- People don't necessarily think bones are tasty, but they are used to create your flavorful broth. Therefore, it's a bit surprising, but it plays into your essay.
- Try to create a title that is both short and sweet.
- As an example, a pun you could use would be "Use Your Backbone to Make Soup." "Backbone" is a play both on the fact that you're using stock (made from bones) and that you need to use your backbone to stand up for stock.
- As for a saying, you could use something like "Chicken Soup: Only the Opiate of the Masses If Made With Stock." "Opiate of the masses" is a reference to Karl Marx and will attract attention.
Finessing Your Title
- That is, move words around to see if you can make a better statement.
- Try mixing and matching among titles that you like. Pick the parts you like best.
- For instance, if you are discussing a specific type of soup, add that in: "Chicken Stock Makes the Best Chicken Soup."
- If you are specifically talking about homemade stock, add that in "Homemade Chicken Stock Makes the Best Chicken Soup."
- If possible, try to give the reader just an idea of which side you plan to argue in favor of in the essay.
- The most common method is putting the creative part first as the main title, followed by the informative part in the subtitle. However, you can do it either way.
- For example, you could write: "Use Your Backbone: Why You Should Advocate for Stock in Soup."
- If the titles are on the same line, separate them by a colon. If not, you don't need the colon.
- Compare your title to the list you made earlier.
- In the case of an argumentative essay, that not only means that you've presented what your topic is but also what your stance on that topic is.
- Try it out on a parent. Ask her what she thinks the paper is about from your title.
- The exception to this rule is very common abbreviations or abbreviations that are appropriate for your audience.
- For instance, using "HIV" probably wouldn't confuse your readers.
Community Q&A
- It can be helpful to look up titles of articles and essays for reference. Check major websites or networks for examples of effective titles. Remember to avoid “clickbait,” though! Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
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Essay Writing Guide
How To Title An Essay
Last updated on: Dec 14, 2024
How to Title an Essay: A Step-by-Step Guide for Effective Titles
By: Nova A.
16 min read
Reviewed By: Chris H.
Published on: Feb 5, 2019
Are you tired of struggling to create captivating titles for your essays? It can be frustrating to spend hours only to end up with a lackluster title that fails to engage your readers.
But here's the thing: a weak title can significantly impact the success of your essay. It's the first thing your readers see, and it sets the tone for their expectations. A dull or generic title may cause your audience to lose interest before they even start reading.
Luckily, there is a simple yet effective solution to this problem!
By following a few key strategies, you can learn how to title an essay that captures attention and piques curiosity. In this blog, we will guide you through creating engaging essay titles step by step.
Whether you're a student or a writer, these tips will help you craft titles that make your essays shine.
On this Page
6 Easy Steps to Write a Good Essay Title
Just follow this step-by-step approach in order to come up with a title that is sure to get the reader hooked on your essay.
Step 1. Understand Your Essay’s Main Point
Before you can create a title, make sure you clearly understand the main argument or idea of your essay. Think about what you’re trying to communicate.
- Example : If your essay is about how social media affects mental health, your title should reflect that key idea.
Step 2. Pick Keywords
Think of the most important terms related to your topic. These are the keywords that will help define your title and make it clear what your essay is about.
- Example : If your essay is about climate change, keywords might be "climate," "global warming," and "solutions."
Step 3. Choose a Format
Decide on the format for your title. It could be a question, a statement, or a combination of both. This will depend on the tone of your essay and what fits best.
- Example : A question title could be “How Does Technology Impact Education?” or a statement title could be “The Impact of Technology on Education.”
Step 4. Keep It Concise and Clear
A strong essay title concisely portrays what the essay will be about in just a few words. Avoid unnecessary words or details that could confuse readers. You should aim for clarity above all.
- Example : Instead of “A Study on the Effects of Climate Change and Global Warming on the Earth,” you could simply say “The Effects of Climate Change on Earth.”
Step 5. Make It Engaging
Your title should catch attention and make readers want to read more. Think about what will spark curiosity or interest without being misleading.
- Example : Instead of a plain title like “The Future of Technology,” you could use “Is Technology Changing the Future of Education?” which invites the reader to think deeper.
Step 6. Revise and Fine-Tune
After writing your essay, come back to your title. Sometimes, the best title comes after you’ve fully developed your ideas. Make sure your title reflects the main message and aligns with your essay’s tone.
- Example : After finishing an essay about climate change solutions, you might revise your title to “Practical Solutions to Fight Climate Change” for a more focused and clear approach.
Tip: It’s best to write your essay before choosing the title. This way, you can be sure the title matches your main points. You can also use your thesis statement to help create a title that reflects the focus of your essay.
Rules For Essay Titles in Different Formats
When it comes to creating essay titles, different formatting styles have specific rules and guidelines to follow. In this section, we will explore the rules for essay titles in three commonly used formats: MLA, APA, and the Chicago Manual of Style.
How to Title an Essay in MLA Format
In MLA format , essay titles have the following rules:
- Capitalize the first and last words of the title.
- Capitalize all principal words, including nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
- Do not capitalize articles (a, an, the), coordinating conjunctions (and, but, or), or prepositions, unless they are the first or last word of the title.
- Italicize the titles of complete works (books, journals, movies, etc.).
- Place titles of shorter works (articles, essays, poems) in quotation marks.
How to Title an Essay in APA Format
In APA format , essay titles have the following rules:
- Capitalize the first word of the title and any subtitles.
- Capitalize all proper nouns.
- Only capitalize the first word after a colon if it begins a subtitle.
- Italicize the titles of longer works (books, journals, movies, etc.).
- Do not use quotation marks for titles.
Guidelines for Essay Titles in Chicago Manual of Style Format
In the Chicago paper format , essay titles have the following rules:
- Capitalize all nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and subordinating conjunctions.
- Italicize the titles of larger works (books, journals, movies, etc.).
- Use quotation marks for titles of shorter works (articles, essays, poems).
33 Best Essay Title Examples
Here are short essay titles examples for different types of essays:
Examples of titles for Argumentative Essays :
- "Should College Education Be Free for Everyone?"
- "The Benefits of Renewable Energy Over Fossil Fuels"
- "Is Social Media a Threat to Real-Life Communication?"
Examples of titles for Persuasive Essays :
- "Why We Should Ban Single-Use Plastics"
- "The Importance of Voting in Modern Democracies"
- "Why Animal Testing Should Be Banned Worldwide"
Examples of titles for Expository Essays :
- "How to Improve Your Time Management Skills"
- "The Process of Photosynthesis Explained"
- "The Role of Technology in Modern Healthcare"
Examples of titles for Narrative Essays :
- "The Day I Overcame My Fear of Public Speaking"
- "A Life-Changing Experience That Shaped My Future"
- "How a Summer Internship Changed My Career Path"
Examples of titles for Compare and Contrast Essays :
- "The Differences Between Public and Private School Education"
- "Social Media vs. Traditional Media: Which Is More Effective?"
- "Living in the City vs. Living in the Suburbs: A Comparative Study"
Examples of titles for Cause and Effect Essay :
- "The Impact of Exercise on Mental Health"
- "How Climate Change Affects Global Agriculture"
- "The Effects of Stress on Physical Health"
Essay Title Examples for College:
- "The Benefits of College Education Beyond the Classroom"
- "How College Life Shapes Personal Growth and Development"
- "The Role of Technology in Modern College Learning"
Essay Title Examples About a Book:
- "The Theme of Redemption in The Catcher in the Rye"
- "Exploring the Power of Friendship in Of Mice and Men"
- "The Role of Fate in Romeo and Juliet"
Essay Title Examples for Scholarship:
- "Why I Deserve the XYZ Scholarship: My Passion for Engineering"
- "How This Scholarship Will Help Me Achieve My Career Goals"
- "The Impact of Financial Aid on My Education and Future Success"
Research Paper Title Examples
- The Role of Genetics in the Development of Type 2 Diabetes
- Advancements in Nanotechnology: Implications for Drug Delivery Systems
- Neuroplasticity and Cognitive Rehabilitation in Traumatic Brain Injury
Essay Title Examples About Yourself:
- "How My Childhood Experiences Shaped Who I Am Today"
- "The Journey That Led Me to Pursue a Career in Medicine"
- "Overcoming Personal Challenges: My Story of Growth and Resilience"
What Is The Purpose Of An Essay Title?
The purpose of a good title in essay writing is to grab readers' attention and provide a clear idea of what the essay is about. A good title will always spark interest and draw the reader in right from the get-go.
The purpose of a strong essay title can be summarized into four key objectives.
- Attention Grabbing:
A creative title instantly grabs the reader's attention, acting as a hook that sparks curiosity. It entices them to explore your essay further.
- Setting Expectations:
An essay title communicates the main theme, subject matter, or argument of your writing. It sets the tone and prepares readers for what lies ahead.
- Creating Interest and Relevance:
A carefully chosen title makes your essay relatable and interesting to your target audience. It also establishes a connection between their interests and your topic.
- Reflecting the Essence:
The title of your essay should reflect its core essence and purpose, acting as a concise representation of the ideas.
- Improves Searchability (if published online):
A clear, keyword-rich title makes your essay easier to find, especially if it’s meant for an audience searching for specific information.
Things to Avoid in Your Essay Title
While brainstorming your essay title, it's important to avoid certain elements that may weaken or confuse your title. Consider the following:
- Vague or General Terms:
Avoid using generic terms or phrases that lack specificity. Instead, opt for precise word choices and descriptive language that accurately represent your essay's content.
- Abbreviations or Acronyms:
Unless widely recognized, avoid using abbreviations or acronyms that may confuse readers.
Aim for clarity and ensure that your title can be easily understood by a broad audience.
- Excessive Length:
Keep your title concise and avoid unnecessary wordiness. A long, convoluted title may overwhelm readers and fail to capture their attention.
- Clichés or Overused Phrases:
Steer clear of clichés or overused phrases that may make your title appear unoriginal or uninspiring. Strive for creativity and uniqueness to make your title memorable.
What Your Essay Title Should Include
When brainstorming your essay title, consider including the following elements:
Identify key terms or concepts related to your essay's topic or main argument. These keywords should be relevant, descriptive, and reflective of the content.
- Tone and Style:
Determine the appropriate tone and style for your essay. Consider whether your title should be formal, academic, creative, or catchy, depending on the purpose and audience of your essay.
- Focus and Scope:
Reflect on the main focus and scope of your essay. Consider the specific angle, perspective, or aspect you are exploring in your writing.
- Engaging Language:
Use language that captivates and intrigues readers. Employ strong verbs, vivid adjectives, or thought-provoking phrases to make your title stand out.
Essay Title Examples: Bad vs. Good
Here are examples of bad and good essay titles for students to illustrate the difference:
Final Takeaway,
A good and catchy title will always make your essay stand out to the reader right from the start. In this blog, we discussed the steps and simple strategies for giving your essay the title it deserves.
We hope that now you can come up with a title that reflects your essay’s stance and leaves a lasting impression.
With that being said, if you’d like assistance from a professional essay writer, is the best place to get started!
Our team of expert writers is here to help you with all your essay needs. Whether you're looking for essay writing, editing, or proofreading services, we've got you covered.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can an essay title be a question.
Yes, absolutely! Using a question as your essay title can grab attention and spark curiosity. For example, a title like " What Drives Human Innovation? " makes readers eager to know your perspective.
How to title an essay for college?
A good college essay title should be clear, unique, and reflective of the essay's content. Aim for something specific yet engaging, like "Finding My Voice Through Music" instead of generic titles like "My Journey."
How to write a title of a book in an essay?
When writing a book title in an essay, italicize it if you're typing (e.g., To Kill a Mockingbird ). If you're writing by hand, underline the title instead. Always capitalize the major words in the title!
As a Digital Content Strategist, Nova Allison has eight years of experience in writing both technical and scientific content. With a focus on developing online content plans that engage audiences, Nova strives to write pieces that are not only informative but captivating as well.
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Guidelines for essay titles in Chicago Manual of Style format. Chicago style also requires that essay titles be in title case. Other than that, Chicago style doesn't have specific guidelines for what a title should or shouldn't include. Here is an example of an essay title in Chicago style: 2021 Returns: What We Projected vs. Actual Returns
If you write regularly, you'll notice something based on questions for blog post titles or essay topic themes. Crafting a creative title for your paper can be a great way to intrigue readers as long as the question is pertinent to the essay and adds to its tone.
Discover why a good essay title matters, and learn how to title an essay with our tips. WhatsApp +44 (0) 207 391 9032 ; Order; Services. ... Elevate Your Essay with An Engaging Title . Writing a good title for your essay requires time, skill, and a keen understanding of your subject matter. Crafting an essay title is more than just a formality ...
Here are other rules for how to create a good title: Title every section of writing: In the process of writing, create interesting subheadings to give your paragraphs an identity. Also, they make your text look ordered and clear. The title must bear the theme of the text: choose a title that summarizes the essay. Capitalize all words with certain exceptions: Capitalize the first letter of ...
When writing the title of a book in an essay, follow these guidelines based on the citation style you're using: Italicize the Title: In most styles (MLA, APA, and Chicago), the title of a book should be italicized. For example: To Kill a Mockingbird. Capitalize Important Words: Capitalize the first and last word of the title, as well as all principal words (nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives ...
Writing titles in an essay requires attention to detail and an understanding of writing formats. Whether composing the essay's title and subtitles or citing other works, your titling should remain consistent. Essays inspire and inform the reader, and effective titles reflect the mood and purpose. In this article, we discuss how to format titles ...
Almost all essay writers find it tricky to make an appropriate title for their essays. However, writing a title is not only based on good writing skills. You need to know the basics of creating it. A good and effective essay title can be created by taking the following steps: 1. First Write an Essay
In an academic essay, you can use highly technical terms in your title, but generally avoid terms that the average well-read person in your discipline might not know. In any writing that has a broad audience, titles need to avoid language that is too sophisticated; a news article, for example, should be easily understood by all.
In most cases, a title for an essay is only required for college papers. A title for an argumentative essay isn't much different than a title for any other essay. You need to present what your essay is about in phrase form, as well as provide a hook to encourage the reader to read your essay.
An essay title serves a crucial purpose in the world of writing. It goes beyond being a formality and plays a strategic role in captivating readers and enhancing the impact of your work. The purpose of an essay title can be summarized into four key objectives.